Linhome SIP-VoIPインターホンシステム(Yocto + Raspberry Pi 2)


インターホンシステムを構築するため、ビデオ付きエントリーパネルをRaspberry Pi 2(複数台余っているため)で製作。SIPーVoIP機能を付加することで、訪問者の確認や通話を遠隔から行えるようにします。組み込み向けLinuxディストリビューションを構築できるYoctoを使用して、Raspberry Pi 2向けのカスタム専用イメージを作成します。モバイル側のアプリにはLinhomeを使用します。

  • コンピュータボード:Raspberry Pi 2(カメラ、ボタン(GPIO)、ドアスイッチ、マイク、スピーカ)

  • モバイルアプリ:Linhome(ドアの開閉、ビデオによる訪問者の確認、通話)


The Yocto Project ® 5.0.4 documentation

11 Features — The Yocto Project ® 5.0.4 documentation

Current Release Series

Codename Series Version Originally Released Latest Release Status Downloads Release Notes
Walnascar 5.2 Active Development
Styhead 5.1 September 2024 5.1.0 / September 2024 Stable Release Download Release Notes
Scarthgap 5.0 April 2024 5.0.4 / September 2024 LTS until Apr. 2028 Download Release Notes
Kirkstone 4.0 April 2022 4.0.21 / September 2024 LTS until Apr. 2026 Download Release Notes
Dunfell 3.1 April 2020 3.1.33 / April 2024 LTS until Apr. 2024 Download Release Notes



Building Linphone and Flexisip with Yocto - XWiki


Yoctoバージョンを scarthgap (5.0) でビルドしますが、LinphoneとFlexisipのレイヤーであるmeta-bcは、このバージョンでは用意されていないため、kirkstone (4.0)バージョンのレイヤー設定を書き換えてビルドします。


FROM debian:11

ARG BITBAKE_TARGET=core-image-sato

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

# Required Packages for the Host Development System
RUN apt-get update && \ 
    apt-get install -y gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath socat \
    cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git \
    python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev \
    zstd liblz4-tool screen nano  && \
    apt-get clean

# Additional host packages needed for build
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y file && \
    apt-get clean
# Additional host packages needed for qemu
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y iproute2 && \
    apt-get clean
# Additional host packages required by poky/scripts/wic
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y curl dosfstools mtools parted syslinux tree zip && \
    apt-get clean

# Create a non-root user that will perform the actual build
RUN id build 2>/dev/null || useradd --uid 30000 --create-home build
RUN apt-get install -y sudo
RUN echo "build ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | tee -a /etc/sudoers

# Fix error "Please use a locale setting which supports utf-8."
# See
RUN apt-get install -y locales
RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && \
        echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"'>/etc/default/locale && \
        dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales && \
        update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8


USER build
WORKDIR /home/build

# Clone yocto
RUN git clone -b "${YOCTO_VERSION}" git://
RUN git clone -b "${YOCTO_VERSION}" git://
RUN git clone -b "${YOCTO_VERSION}" git://

WORKDIR /home/build/poky
#RUN mkdir -p /home/build/poky/build
#RUN mkdir -p /home/build/poky/build/conf
#COPY --chown=build local.conf /home/build/poky/build/conf/
#COPY --chown=build bblayers.conf /home/build/poky/build/conf/
#RUN chown -R build:build /home/build/poky/build

#RUN bash -c 'source oe-init-build-env && bitbake ${BITBAKE_TARGET}'
CMD ["bash"]


$ docker build scarthgap-raspberrypi2 -t raspberrypi2


$ docker run --name raspi2 -v ./build:/home/build/poky/build -ti raspberrypi2 bash
# sudo chown -R build:build build
# source oe-init-build-env 

レイヤーリスト(Scarthgap Ver5.0)

レイヤー “meta-raspberrypi” レシピ(マシン)リスト(Scarthgap Ver5.0)

ホストと共有した build/conf ディレクトリに作成された bblayers.conf, local.conf ファイルを編集


# POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly

BSPDIR := "${@os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + '/../..')}"


  ${BSPDIR}/meta \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-poky \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-yocto-bsp \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-raspberrypi \
  ${BSPDIR}/meta-bc \




下記 meta-raspberrypi ドキュメントを参照してビデオ機能などを有効化します。
Optional build configuration — meta-raspberrypi master documentation

マイクとスピーカの接続にはI2S(Inter-IC Sound)インターフェイスを利用するため、I2S音声入出力に対応したサウンドデバイス googlevoicehat-soundcard を採用します。( hifiberry-dac はI2Sの音声入力に対応していないため採用しません。)


# This file is your local configuration file and is where all local user settings
# are placed. The comments in this file give some guide to the options a new user
# to the system might want to change but pretty much any configuration option can
# be set in this file. More adventurous users can look at
# local.conf.sample.extended which contains other examples of configuration which
# can be placed in this file but new users likely won't need any of them
# initially.
# Lines starting with the '#' character are commented out and in some cases the
# default values are provided as comments to show people example syntax. Enabling
# the option is a question of removing the # character and making any change to the
# variable as required.

# Machine Selection
# You need to select a specific machine to target the build with. There are a selection
# of emulated machines available which can boot and run in the QEMU emulator:
#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"
#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm64"
#MACHINE ?= "qemumips"
#MACHINE ?= "qemumips64"
#MACHINE ?= "qemuppc"
#MACHINE ?= "qemux86"
#MACHINE ?= "qemux86-64"
# There are also the following hardware board target machines included for 
# demonstration purposes:
#MACHINE ?= "beaglebone-yocto"
#MACHINE ?= "genericx86"
#MACHINE ?= "genericx86-64"
#MACHINE ?= "edgerouter"
# This sets the default machine to be qemux86-64 if no other machine is selected:
MACHINE = "raspberrypi2"

#ENABLE_IR = "1"
#ENABLE_I2C = "1"
#KERNEL_MODULE_AUTOLOAD:rpi += "snd-soc-dmic"
KERNEL_DEVICETREE += "overlays/googlevoicehat-soundcard.dtbo"

# Where to place downloads
# During a first build the system will download many different source code tarballs
# from various upstream projects. This can take a while, particularly if your network
# connection is slow. These are all stored in DL_DIR. When wiping and rebuilding you
# can preserve this directory to speed up this part of subsequent builds. This directory
# is safe to share between multiple builds on the same machine too.
# The default is a downloads directory under TOPDIR which is the build directory.
#DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads"

# Where to place shared-state files
# BitBake has the capability to accelerate builds based on previously built output.
# This is done using "shared state" files which can be thought of as cache objects
# and this option determines where those files are placed.
# You can wipe out TMPDIR leaving this directory intact and the build would regenerate
# from these files if no changes were made to the configuration. If changes were made
# to the configuration, only shared state files where the state was still valid would
# be used (done using checksums).
# The default is a sstate-cache directory under TOPDIR.
#SSTATE_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache"

# Where to place the build output
# This option specifies where the bulk of the building work should be done and
# where BitBake should place its temporary files and output. Keep in mind that
# this includes the extraction and compilation of many applications and the toolchain
# which can use Gigabytes of hard disk space.
# The default is a tmp directory under TOPDIR.
#TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/tmp"

# Default policy config
# The distribution setting controls which policy settings are used as defaults.
# The default value is fine for general Yocto project use, at least initially.
# Ultimately when creating custom policy, people will likely end up subclassing 
# these defaults.
DISTRO ?= "poky"
# As an example of a subclass there is a "bleeding" edge policy configuration
# where many versions are set to the absolute latest code from the upstream 
# source control systems. This is just mentioned here as an example, its not
# useful to most new users.
# DISTRO ?= "poky-bleeding"

# Package Management configuration
# This variable lists which packaging formats to enable. Multiple package backends
# can be enabled at once and the first item listed in the variable will be used
# to generate the root filesystems.
# Options are:
#  - 'package_deb' for debian style deb files
#  - 'package_ipk' for ipk files are used by opkg (a debian style embedded package manager)
#  - 'package_rpm' for rpm style packages
# E.g.: PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm package_deb package_ipk"
# We default to rpm:
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"

# SDK target architecture
# This variable specifies the architecture to build SDK items for and means
# you can build the SDK packages for architectures other than the machine you are
# running the build on (i.e. building i686 packages on an x86_64 host).
# Supported values are i686, x86_64, aarch64
#SDKMACHINE ?= "i686"

# Extra image configuration defaults
# The EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variable allows extra packages to be added to the generated
# images. Some of these options are added to certain image types automatically. The
# variable can contain the following options:
#  "dbg-pkgs"       - add -dbg packages for all installed packages
#                     (adds symbol information for debugging/profiling)
#  "src-pkgs"       - add -src packages for all installed packages
#                     (adds source code for debugging)
#  "dev-pkgs"       - add -dev packages for all installed packages
#                     (useful if you want to develop against libs in the image)
#  "ptest-pkgs"     - add -ptest packages for all ptest-enabled packages
#                     (useful if you want to run the package test suites)
#  "tools-sdk"      - add development tools (gcc, make, pkgconfig etc.)
#  "tools-debug"    - add debugging tools (gdb, strace)
#  "eclipse-debug"  - add Eclipse remote debugging support
#  "tools-profile"  - add profiling tools (oprofile, lttng, valgrind)
#  "tools-testapps" - add useful testing tools (ts_print, aplay, arecord etc.)
#  "debug-tweaks"   - make an image suitable for development
#                     e.g. ssh root access has a blank password
# There are other application targets that can be used here too, see
# meta/classes/image.bbclass and meta/classes/core-image.bbclass for more details.
# We default to enabling the debugging tweaks.
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks ssh-server-openssh"

# Additional image features
# The following is a list of additional classes to use when building images which
# enable extra features. Some available options which can be included in this variable
# are:
#   - 'buildstats' collect build statistics
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats"

# Runtime testing of images
# The build system can test booting virtual machine images under qemu (an emulator)
# after any root filesystems are created and run tests against those images. It can also
# run tests against any SDK that are built. To enable this uncomment these lines.
# See classes/test{image,sdk}.bbclass for further details.
#IMAGE_CLASSES += "testimage testsdk"
#TESTIMAGE_AUTO:qemuall = "1"

# Interactive shell configuration
# Under certain circumstances the system may need input from you and to do this it
# can launch an interactive shell. It needs to do this since the build is
# multithreaded and needs to be able to handle the case where more than one parallel
# process may require the user's attention. The default is iterate over the available
# terminal types to find one that works.
# Examples of the occasions this may happen are when resolving patches which cannot
# be applied, to use the devshell or the kernel menuconfig
# Supported values are auto, gnome, xfce, rxvt, screen, konsole (KDE 3.x only), none
# Note: currently, Konsole support only works for KDE 3.x due to the way
# newer Konsole versions behave
#OE_TERMINAL = "auto"
# By default disable interactive patch resolution (tasks will just fail instead):

# Disk Space Monitoring during the build
# Monitor the disk space during the build. If there is less that 1GB of space or less
# than 100K inodes in any key build location (TMPDIR, DL_DIR, SSTATE_DIR), gracefully
# shutdown the build. If there is less than 100MB or 1K inodes, perform a hard halt
# of the build. The reason for this is that running completely out of space can corrupt
# files and damages the build in ways which may not be easily recoverable.
# It's necessary to monitor /tmp, if there is no space left the build will fail
# with very exotic errors.
    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \
    HALT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \

# Shared-state files from other locations
# As mentioned above, shared state files are prebuilt cache data objects which can be
# used to accelerate build time. This variable can be used to configure the system
# to search other mirror locations for these objects before it builds the data itself.
# This can be a filesystem directory, or a remote url such as https or ftp. These
# would contain the sstate-cache results from previous builds (possibly from other
# machines). This variable works like fetcher MIRRORS/PREMIRRORS and points to the
# cache locations to check for the shared objects.
# NOTE: if the mirror uses the same structure as SSTATE_DIR, you need to add PATH
# at the end as shown in the examples below. This will be substituted with the
# correct path within the directory structure.
#file://.* https://someserver.tld/share/sstate/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH \
#file://.* file:///some/local/dir/sstate/PATH"

# Yocto Project SState Mirror
# The Yocto Project has prebuilt artefacts available for its releases, you can enable
# use of these by uncommenting the following lines. This will mean the build uses
# the network to check for artefacts at the start of builds, which does slow it down
# equally, it will also speed up the builds by not having to build things if they are
# present in the cache. It assumes you can download something faster than you can build it
# which will depend on your network.
# Note: For this to work you also need hash-equivalence passthrough to the matching server
#SSTATE_MIRRORS ?= "file://.*;downloadfilename=PATH"

# Qemu configuration
# By default native qemu will build with a builtin VNC server where graphical output can be
# seen. The line below enables the SDL UI frontend too.
PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " sdl"
# By default libsdl2-native will be built, if you want to use your host's libSDL instead of 
# the minimal libsdl built by libsdl2-native then uncomment the ASSUME_PROVIDED line below.
#ASSUME_PROVIDED += "libsdl2-native"

# You can also enable the Gtk UI frontend, which takes somewhat longer to build, but adds
# a handy set of menus for controlling the emulator.
#PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " gtk+"

# Hash Equivalence
# Enable support for automatically running a local hash equivalence server and
# instruct bitbake to use a hash equivalence aware signature generator. Hash
# equivalence improves reuse of sstate by detecting when a given sstate
# artifact can be reused as equivalent, even if the current task hash doesn't
# match the one that generated the artifact.
# A shared hash equivalent server can be set with "<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>" format
#BB_HASHSERVE = "auto"

# Memory Resident Bitbake
# Bitbake's server component can stay in memory after the UI for the current command
# has completed. This means subsequent commands can run faster since there is no need
# for bitbake to reload cache files and so on. Number is in seconds, after which the
# server will shut down.

# CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/ changes incompatibly and is used to
# track the version of this file when it was generated. This can safely be ignored if
# this doesn't mean anything to you.

# Additional configuration, added recipes of Branch: kirkstone
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " alsa-plugins alsa-utils alsa-lib boost gettext glew libopus libsrtp libvpx mariadb pulseaudio v4l-utils raspi-gpio linphone-sdk opkg"

PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"
PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-linphone-sdk = " h264 mdns"
PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-avahi = " libdns_sd"

CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "init-ifupdown"

INHERIT += "rm_work"

BitBake User Manual

meta-bcのyoctoブランチをダウンロードし、meta-bc/conf/layer.conf 内で

LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_bc = “scarthgap”


# git clone -b feature/yocto-kirkstone


LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_bc = "scarthgap"


# bitbake linphone-sdk

minmalでは後からモジュールなどを読み込む手間がかかるため、core-image-base、できれば core-image-sato がベスト。

# bitbake core-image-sato



$ bzip2 -d core-image-minimal-raspberrypi2-2024xxxxxxxxxx.rootfs.wic.bz2


$ sudo dd if=core-image-minimal-raspberrypi2-2024xxxxxxxxxx.rootfs.wic of=/dev/sda bs=1024




$ bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel

Support for Google voiceHAT soundcard: <M> ---> <*>


$ docker run --name raspi2 -v ./build:/home/build/poky/build -ti raspberrypi2 bash

# source oe-init-build-env
# bitbake core-image-sato
# exit


picamera — Picamera 1.13 Documentation



カメラがRaspberry Piで認識されているか確認するために、以下のコマンドを実行します。

# v4l2-ctl --all
Driver Info:
	Driver name      : bcm2835 mmal
	Card type        : mmal service 16.1
	Bus info         : platform:bcm2835_v4l2-0
	Driver version   : 6.6.22
	Capabilities     : 0x85200005
		Video Capture
		Video Overlay
		Extended Pix Format
		Device Capabilities


# v4l2-ctl --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=capture.jpeg


# v4l2-ctl --list-formats
	Type: Video Capture

	[0]: 'YU12' (Planar YUV 4:2:0)
	[1]: 'YUYV' (YUYV 4:2:2)
	[2]: 'RGB3' (24-bit RGB 8-8-8)
	[3]: 'JPEG' (JFIF JPEG, compressed)
	[4]: 'H264' (H.264, compressed)
	[5]: 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG, compressed)
	[6]: 'YVYU' (YVYU 4:2:2)
	[7]: 'VYUY' (VYUY 4:2:2)
	[8]: 'UYVY' (UYVY 4:2:2)
	[9]: 'NV12' (Y/UV 4:2:0)
	[10]: 'BGR3' (24-bit BGR 8-8-8)
	[11]: 'YV12' (Planar YVU 4:2:0)
	[12]: 'NV21' (Y/VU 4:2:0)
	[13]: 'RX24' (32-bit XBGR 8-8-8-8)


# v4l2-ctl --stream-mmap --stream-count=10
<<<<<<< 5.55 fps



# I2Sサウンドデバイスを使用する場合


pcm.!default {
    type asym
    playback.pcm "plug:voicehat_playback"
    capture.pcm "plug:softvol"

ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

pcm.voicehat_playback {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0
    format S32_LE

pcm.voicehat_capture {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0
    format S32_LE

pcm.convert_format {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hw:0,0"
        format S32_LE

pcm.softvol {
    type softvol
    slave.pcm "voicehat_capture" "Capture Volume"
    control.card 0
    min_dB -3.0
    max_dB 30.0
項目 hw:0,0 plughw:0,0
フォーマット変換 なし(エラーになる場合あり) あり(自動で変換)
柔軟性 デバイスが指定されたフォーマットをサポートする必要がある フォーマットやサンプリングレートの指定が柔軟
パフォーマンス 高速(直接アクセス) 変換処理により若干遅くなる可能性がある


Adafruit I2S MEMS microphone and Raspberry Pi Zero W



  • 形式: デバイスツリーはソースコード(DTS: Device Tree Source)で記述され、コンパイルされるとバイナリ形式(DTB: Device Tree Blob)になります。
  • 役割:
    • カーネルが直接ハードウェアを検出する代わりに、DTB を利用して必要なハードウェア情報を取得。
    • Raspberry Pi では、SoC(System on Chip)や周辺機器の構成を記述するために使用。



  • 形式: ソースコード(DTS)を .dtbo(バイナリ形式)としてコンパイルして使用します。
  • 役割:
    • GPIO ピンに接続されたハードウェアの設定を記述。
    • 特定のドライバや周辺機器を有効化。
    • オリジナルのデバイスツリーを変更せずに機能を追加。



googlevouicehatdts ファイルからオーバレイファイルを手動でコンパイル(raspi2コンテナ内で実行)。

$ find . -name "*.dts" | grep googlevoicehat
$ sudo apt install device-tree-compiler
$ dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o googlevoicehat-soundcard.dtbo build/tmp/work-shared/raspberrypi2/kernel-source/arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/googlevoicehat-soundcard-overlay.dts

注)dtc(Device Tree Compiler)は、多くの Linux システムで利用可能なユーティリティで、デバイスツリーソース(DTS)ファイルをコンパイルしてバイナリ形式のデバイスツリーブロブ(DTB/DTBO)ファイルを生成します。

作成された googlevoicehat-soundcard-overlay.dts を SDカードの /boot/ovelays にコピーします。


How to enable WiFi networking in the Yocto Project for a custom Linux image for the STM32MP157D-DK1


# bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel
ERROR: linux-raspberrypi-1_5.15.92+gitAUTOINC+509f4b9d68_14b35093ca-r0 do_menuconfig: No valid terminal found, unable to open devshell.


$ sudo apt install screen

Linhomeの設定は Linhome Free SIP Service へのプロビジョニングにより固定されているため、設定を変更するには、独自にアカウントマネージャを用意してQRコードで設定を読み込むようにする必要があります。






注)サウンドカードを sndrpigooglevoi に指定した場合には下記ユーザは必要ありません。

# useradd -m raspi
# passwd raspi
# usermod -aG sudo raspi
# groups raspi


# visudo





raspberrypi2:~$ sudo aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpigooglevoi [snd_rpi_googlevoicehat_soundcar], device 0: Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0 [Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: vc4hdmi [vc4-hdmi], device 0: MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0 [MAI PCM i2s-hifi-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

raspberrypi2:~$ sudo arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndrpigooglevoi [snd_rpi_googlevoicehat_soundcar], device 0: Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0 [Google voiceHAT SoundCard HiFi voicehat-hifi-0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


$ alsamixer


$ sudo speaker-test -D plughw:0,0 -c2
$ sudo speaker-test

注) plughw:0,0 はカード0、デバイス0 を指定。/etc/asound.conf : card 0 を指定。


$ sudo speaker-test -D plughw:0,0 -c2 --test=wav -w /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
$ speaker-test --test=wav -w /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav


$ sudo arecord -d 5 -f cd -V mono test.wav
$ sudo aplay test.wav

Linphoneデーモン linphone-daemon の起動


# cd /opt/belledonne-communications/bin/
# mkdir -p /home/root/.local/share/linphone
# touch /home/root/.local/share/linphone/x3dh.c25519.sqlite3
# touch /home/root/.local/share/linphone/linphone.db


# vi ~/.bashrc



# source ~/.bashrc


# echo $PATH


# ./linphone-daemon


# linphone-daemon --help
daemon-linphone [<options>]
Licence: Commercial
where options are :
	--help                     Print this notice.
	--dump-commands-help       Dump the help of every available commands.
	--dump-commands-html-help  Dump the help of every available commands.
	--pipe <pipepath>          Create an unix server socket in the specified path to receive commands from. For Windows just use a name instead of a path.
	--log <path>               Supply a file where the log will be saved.
	--factory-config <path>    Supply a readonly linphonerc style config file to start with.
	--config <path>            Supply a linphonerc style config file to start with.
	--disable-stats-events     Do not automatically raise RTP statistics events.
	--enable-lsd               Use the linphone sound daemon.
	-C                         Enable video capture.
	-D                         Enable video display.
	--auto-answer              Automatically answer incoming calls.


Status: Ok

adaptive-jitter-compensation [audio|video] [enable|disable]
answer <call_id>
audio-codec-disable <payload_type_number>|<mime_type>|ALL
audio-codec-enable <payload_type_number>|<mime_type>|ALL
audio-codec-get <payload_type_number>|<mime_type>
audio-codec-move <payload_type_number>|<mime_type> <index>
audio-codec-set <payload_type_number>|<mime_type> <property> <value>
audio-stream-start <remote_ip> <remote_port> <payload_type_number>
audio-stream-stats <stream_id>
audio-stream-stop <stream_id>
auth-infos-clear <auth_infos_id>|ALL
autovideo on|off
call <sip_address> [--early-media]
call-mute 0|1
call-pause [<call_id>]
call-resume [<call_id>]
call-stats [<call_id>]
call-status [<call_id>]
call-transfer <call_to_transfer_id> <call_to_transfer_to_id>|<sip_url_to_transfer_to>
cn [enable|disable]
conference add|rm|leave|enter <call_id>
config-get <section> <key>
config-set <section> <key> <value>
contact <sip_address> or contact <username> <hostname>
dtmf <digit>
firewall-policy [none|nat|stun|ice|upnp] [<address>]
help [<command>]
incall-player-pause [<call_id>]
incall-player-resume [<call_id>]
incall-player-start <filename> [<call_id>]
incall-player-stop [<call_id>]
ipv6 [enable|disable]
jitter-buffer [audio|video] [size <milliseconds>]
jitter-buffer-reset call|stream <id> [audio|video]
media-encryption [none|srtp|zrtp]
message <sip_address> <text>
msfilter-add-fmtp call|stream <id> <fmtp>
netsim [enable|disable|parameters] [<parameters>]
play-wav <filename>
port [sip|audio|video] [<port>] [udp|tcp|tls]
ptime [up|down] [<ms>]
register <identity> <proxy_address> [<password>] [<userid>] [<realm>] [<parameter>]
register-info <register_id>|ALL
register-status <register_id>|ALL
terminate [<call_id>]
unregister <register_id>|ALL
video [call_id]
videosource cam|dummy [<call_id>]


daemon-linphone>register sip:[email protected] wien9656
Status: Ok

Id: 1

daemon-linphone>register-status ALL
Status: Ok

Id: 1
State: LinphoneRegistrationOk


daemon-linphone>call [email protected]